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The Survey Analysis

Sidenote: This research was conducted by one of the app developers, Jelisaveta Nedeljković, who was a part of the FLEX program and spent a year in America. She contacted her friends from various locations in America who sent the link of the survey to their Michigan acquaintances. Those people passed the survey around and it ended up having around 100 answers (96 to be precise). The results matched with our research since most of the respondents agreed that a change in the current system is needed and the Democrats are capable of carrying it out.
If you want to see the details, scroll through the whole survey.

Here’s what some of the respondents said  when asked  about the basis of assessment of a political candidate:


  •  “I like knowing the candidates will protect the American people and want what is best for the country, like with unemployment and healthcare options. I have many family members in law enforcement and want to keep them protected. I sell firearms for a living so I like the fact that guns are accessible in the US and I see the laws Michigan has to keep firearms out of the wrong hands, however I also see where the system is flawed and look at each candidate to see what they want to fix and see if it correlates with what I, personally, believe. The last big assessment I use is where they stand with my beliefs, because even I know that sometimes what I want isn’t best for the country as a whole, but I do like to know where we both stand with current opinions.”


  •  “Looks at views and flexibility. Honestly and loyalty.”


  •  “I assess a political candidate by seeing how they treat others, what policies they are really fighting for, and generally seeing what they wish to accomplish while president.”

When asked about what the government should pay the most attention to, some answered:


  •  “Health and education, specifically channelling more funds towards areas with higher lower class populations.”

  • “Health and public safety—including racism and police/gun reform as a national crisis.”“Improving health and enabling equal opportunities for all.” 

  • “Health care, immigration, COVID, education, racial injustice, police brutality and police reform, gun control, climate change.”

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