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Differences Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Joe Biden

Donald Trump

Gun control

As president Biden aims to ban the manufacture and
sale of assault weapons and
high-capacity magazines. He
also plans the importation
of assault weapons as well
as institute of buyback

Trump stand by his
opposition to gun control
when it comes to taking
guns away from low-
abiding. He has said that
gun control does not reduce
crime and that Americans
are entitled to protect their
families, their property and


Biden plans to get rid of the capital gains tax loopholes
for the super wealthy.
Today, very wealthy pay a
tax rate of just 20% on long-
term capital gains, which is
the sale of an investment
that has been owned for
longer than twelve months.
Biden will increase tax rate
cut for the very wealthy to
the 39.6% rate

Trump signed the tax cuts
and job act on December
22 nd 2017, it lowered the
individual income tax rate,
doubled standard deduction
and eliminated personal
exemptions and dropped
the top individual tax rate
to 37% and the corporate
tax rate from 35% to 21%


Biden believes there is no greater challenge facing
America and our world. He
has been planning a “clean
energy revolution” to
address what he calls a
grave threat and lead the
world to addressing the
climate emergency. Biden
believes that the green new
deal is crucial for meeting
the climate challenges we
face. It focuses on two
aspects, the United States
urgently needs to embrace
greater ambition to meet the scope of this challenge
and that environment and
economy are completely

Donald Trump belives that
the United States should
not have to sacrifice
economy to lead the world
on the environment. He
wants to focus on more
practical solutions that
what is written in the green
new deal which he
estimates will cost the
economy nearly 100 trillion
dollars. He believes that it
will kill millions of jobs and
crush the dreams of the
poorest Americans.

The wall

Biden had formerly voted in support of the border by
voting for the secure fence
act to prevent the
trafficking of drugs across
the border. However in in
January of 2019 he has
moved more toward the
position that the wall is not
the border security that
United States needs

During his presidency
Trump presented congress
with a detailed proposal to
secure the border and stop
the criminal gangs, drug
smugglers and human
traffickers. This proposal
included 5.7 billion dollars
for a physical barrier made
of steel. He believes that
border wall will pay for


Biden’s goal is to pursue a humane immigration policy
that keeps families
together. Strengthens
economy and secures the
border. Obama-Biden
administration created the
DACA program so people
who were brought to the US
as children and did not have
citizenship could pursue
their lives free from fear of
deportation. Biden also led
the administration’s work
with Central America
securing 750 million dollars
to boost prosperity and
security in El Salvador,
Guatemala and Honduras.
As president, he plans to
reform immigration laws to
give 11 million
undocumented immigrants
a roadmap to citizenship

The Supreme Court ruled in
June of 2020 that the
Trump administration
cannot carry out its plan to
shut down the DACA
program. Trump belives in a
prosess of issuing green
cards that has been in place
since 1970 and has
extended citizenship to 40
million people and that that
is the only correct path to
citizenship. He does not
belive in extending leniency
to those who come into the
county illegally


Joe Biden is pro-choice and plans to expand access to
contraception and to
protect the constitutional
right to an abortion.

Trump is strongly pro-life
with three exceptions: rape,
incest and protecting the
life of the mother. He
strongly opposes the left
with their support for late
term abortion.


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